FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
If after reading our FAQ document you have any questions at all, email Amy and Pete and we'll respond to you quickly. We have served thousands of customers and look forward to serving you!
How do I order a custom poster or postcard using my photo?
- Click on this link to get to our Custom Poster Page.
- Select the size of poster that you want.
- If desired, upload your photo(s) before you add it to your cart. Feel free to submit the photo after you place your order (via email) as well.
- Add your poster(s) to your cart.
- Check out.
- When you finish checking out, you will get an email from us. We will ask you to send us your photo and what type of wording and font style you want. This may show up in your spam box, so check there if you don't see it in your inbox.
- After you place your order, we'll send you the first draft for your review. This is an iterative process. We'll send you as many drafts as needed to get it perfect before we print and ship your personalized poster. We have a 100% money-back guarantee, and if at any time during the process you'd like a refund, let us know and we'll take care of you. Note: if you want a draft ahead of placing an order, let us know. We can do this, but please realize that we put customers who have placed orders ahead on our priority list.
Full directions are located here: How to submit a photo and information for a custom poster or postcard
I purchased a poster. What type of frame should I order?
Normal poster frames are perfect. These are usually not very expensive (though with any framing project, they can get to be as expensive as the buyer wants!). Typically, you can find a frame at Amazon.com or Michaels for $10-20 (or less, when they are on sale). See our page for a list of recommended frames.
Can I get the Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer and ship to two different addresses?
Absolutely. We only ask that you help out with covering the shipping to the 2nd location, which is usually $10. Just let us know when you order (or in a later email) and we'll take care of the details.
Yes! Gift cards are a great idea. Know someone who travels that takes great photos? Get them this one-of-a-kind gift that they are sure to love. Click on this link for our gift cards.
How and when do I send my own photo if I want to order a Custom Poster?
After you place an order, you will get an email from us asking you to send us your photo to our email account.
Do you do additional sizes other than what is listed on the product pages?
Yes. Any size under 24" x 36" can be accommodated. We unfortunately cannot do larger sizes at this point due to the high cost (posters in low quantities at larger sizes are challenging for our printer due to the high cost). Let us know if you have a custom size request.
What if I have a poster that is not from a National Park? Can you create posters for other parts of the world and ones that are not from National Parks?
Of course! Many of our customers have had us create posters from camping trips, favorite fishing spots, trips to Venice with peope-even photos of houses or cabins can be done! When in doubt, go ahead and send it to us and we'll check it out. Chances are it will be a "yes."
Do you also create posters for locations outside the United States?
Absolutely. Some of our favorites have been from areas such as Africa and New Zealand. If you've been to the moon, well, we'd try that too!
Do you use photos that I submit for other customers? Do you re-sell photos that I submit?
No. Photos that our customers submit to us are treated as property of our customers. We do not re-sell or re-distribute them to anyone. On our website, you will see posters in our gallery. We've either obtained written permission from our customers to use them, they are in the public domain, or they are our own.
I am a professional photographer. Can you put my watermark on the photo?
Yes, this is not a problem at all. When you submit your photo, just let us know and we will work with you to do this.
My photography isn't that great. Can I still do a poster?
By all means. The photo should be as clear as possible, but it doesn't have to be perfect. We can fix it if people are in the way, or if the sky isn't high enough to make a poster and a variety of other fixes. Send us the photo and let us see what we can do if you have questions.
How large of a file size should I send?
Send the largest resolution photo size possible. If you are sending from a phone or a computer, try to send it in the original size (usually, larger than 1 MB). However, send whatever file size you can to us, even if it is small. We have had great success with photos of all sizes.
Can I create a Custom Poster using my photo with people?
Yes. If you plan on sending us a photo with people, we just advise that you don't plan on faces being more than 20-30% of the entire poster, just because the vintage look isn't too kind to faces when they are close-up! But as always, we will work with you to make it what you want. Send us a photo if you have questions.
How long does it take to create a Custom poster using my photo?
We will usually create the first draft of your poster within a 2 to 3 days of receiving the information on the desired poster. We will then modify it as needed based on your feedback. This usually takes 1-3 additional days, depending on the complexity of the work. Once we have a draft approved, we can print the poster within a week and send it out. Products usually arrive within three business days of us shipping the product.
Any other questions, please email: info@justgotravelstudios.com